Bermello Ajamil & Partners
BA is a worldwide leader in ports & maritime develeopment with an impressive portfolio of globally recognized projects.
Cruise Terminals
across 6 continents and 60 countries
our achievements
Architectural Record Top 300 Architectural Firms
Engineering News Record Top 500 Design Firms
Design awards won
Our expertises
Early on, BA committed to developing fully integrated terminal facilities designed to the highest U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) standards and designed many of the first LEED facilities for ports across America.
Energy efficiency is one of the critical design elements for every new or upgraded maritime facility. BA understands this is done by attracting shore power ready vessels to shore power ready ports and reducing the pollutant emissions at the port.
BA is applying innovative design solutions to bulkheads to ensure they not only accommodate cruise vessel operation, but are durable and resilient to provide for an extended service life. This includes resilient infrastructure design that will accommodate major weather events and future sea-level rise.
BA’s sustainable designs allow for energy efficiency, competitive operating costs, enhanced asset value, and reduced environmental impacts.
BA sucessfully set the stage for what is going to be San Diego's waterfront experience for decades to come.
Rita Vandergraw, Director, BD& Marketing
Unified Port of San Diego
One of the best urban waterfront planners in the world. Their expertise and professional resources is very impressive.
Paul Anderson, President/CEO
Port Tampa Bay
Our experience with BA has been outstanding. The work produced by the team has not only met, but exceeded our expectations.
Paul A. Paradis, Chair of Bar Harbor Cruise Ship Committee
Town of Bar Harbor, Maine
Our winning

Port of Galveston Terminal 10 - Galveston, Texas, USA


PortMiami Terminal B - Miami, Florida, USA

PortMiami Terminal A - Miami, Florida, USA

Port Everglades Terminal 25 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA


Port of San Francisco Terminal 27 & Wharf - San Francisco, California, USA


Port of San Diego Broadway B Street Pier - San Diego, California, USA

Meet our team
Luis Ajamil, PE
President, Chief Executive Officer
Mark Ittel
Senior Vice President, Ports & Maritime
James Bowers, AIA, NCARB, LEED-AP
Senior Cruise Facility Design Lead
Daniel Ramos, PE, WEDG
Director of Ports & Marine Engineering
Leah McKenney, MBA
Project Manager, Senior Maritime Market & Financial Analyst
James Rowe, AIA
Senior Cruise Facility Design Lead
Scott Bakos
Senior Cruise Destination Design Lead
Saul Suarez, RA
Senior Cruise Facility Design Lead
Felipe Alespeiti, RA
Senior Planner - Facility Planning & Design
Servando Garcia Fluxa
Senior Marine Engineer
Orrin Lancaster, PhD
Senior Marine Engineer
Christopher De Leo
Maritime Business Project Analyst
For any inquiries or information, please feel free to contact us at: